Kalau kita sedang mencari beasiswa
prinsipnya memang sama dengan mencari pekerjaan,
kita harus rajin mencari dan berusaha. Kita
wajib juga untuk menunjukkan kepada yayasan atau
lembaga pemberi dana bahwa kita serius mengenai
pendidikannya. Di sini dan DataBase kami ada
banyak links ke sumber beasiswa. Mungkin saat ini
ada informasi lebih lengkap mengenai sumber
beasiswa terbaru di DataBase. Semua sumber dana
yang diidentifikasikan akan tetap ada di
halaman-halaman beasiswa walaupun tanggal
berlakunya sudah kadaluarsa. Mengapa? Walapun
tanggalnya sudah kadaluarsa, apabila sedang
mencari beasiswa sebaiknya mengirim surat ke semua
sumber dana. Siapa tahu Anda berhasil.
Berikut Daftar Informasi Program Beasiswa
Fulbright Legacy Programs for Indonesians Programs for Americans Educational Advising Services News Briefs AMINEF Directory Useful Links Fulbright Grantee Directory Download Forms FAQ PreDeparture Orientation Images
Fulbright Legacy Programs for Indonesians Programs for Americans Educational Advising Services News Briefs AMINEF Directory Useful Links Fulbright Grantee Directory Download Forms FAQ PreDeparture Orientation Images
Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan. It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to ...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan. It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to ...
Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program - List of Academic Institutions -
Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program - List of Academic Institutions - ADB.org
Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program - List of Academic Institutions - ADB.org
Asian Scholarship Foundation - Bangkok, Thailand
ASF grants are made available to scholars, researchers and professionals who are citizens of or residents in any of the following participating countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, the People?s Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Indones...
ASF grants are made available to scholars, researchers and professionals who are citizens of or residents in any of the following participating countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, the People?s Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Indones...
Astronaut Scholarship Foundation: Astronaut Scholars
Astronaut Scholars are immersed in nearly every frontier of technology as astronomers, biologists, chemists, consultants, engineers in practically every discipline, entrepreneurs who have started technology companies, inventors, mathematicians, milit...
Astronaut Scholars are immersed in nearly every frontier of technology as astronomers, biologists, chemists, consultants, engineers in practically every discipline, entrepreneurs who have started technology companies, inventors, mathematicians, milit...
Development Scholarship
Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) are funded by the government of Australia for postgraduate study at Australian Universities. The main goal of ADS is to promote Indonesia's human resource capacity to contribute to:Improving economic manageme...
Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) are funded by the government of Australia for postgraduate study at Australian Universities. The main goal of ADS is to promote Indonesia's human resource capacity to contribute to:Improving economic manageme...
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) are a highly-valued form of development cooperation between Australia and partner countries with which Australia has a bilateral aid program. ADS provide partner countries with the opportunity to strengthen i...
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) are a highly-valued form of development cooperation between Australia and partner countries with which Australia has a bilateral aid program. ADS provide partner countries with the opportunity to strengthen i...
Inggris (English for Academic Purposes) - IELSP
Program ini merupakan beasiswa penuh, dan peserta tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Penerima beasiswa akan ditanggung seluruh biaya kecuali biaya pembuatan paspor.
Bakrie School of Management - BEASISWAProgram ini merupakan beasiswa penuh, dan peserta tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Penerima beasiswa akan ditanggung seluruh biaya kecuali biaya pembuatan paspor.
200 lebih Beasiswa Penuh kepada lulusan SLTA - Bakrie School of Management
(BSM) memberikan kesempatan kepada putra/putri Indonesia terbaik untuk
bergabung di BSM program studi S1 Manajemen dan S1 Akuntansi melalui program
beasiswa penuh.
(Scholarships) - International Scholarship Information Shortcut
Kalau Anda sedang mencari beasiswa prinsipnya memang sama dengan mencari pekerjaan, kita harus rajin mencari dan berusaha. Kita wajib juga untuk menunjukkan kepada yayasan atau lembaga pemberi dana bahwa kita serius mengenai pendidikannya. Di sini da...
Biro Perencanaan dan KLNKalau Anda sedang mencari beasiswa prinsipnya memang sama dengan mencari pekerjaan, kita harus rajin mencari dan berusaha. Kita wajib juga untuk menunjukkan kepada yayasan atau lembaga pemberi dana bahwa kita serius mengenai pendidikannya. Di sini da...
Program Beasiswa Unggulan adalah program beasiswa yang dirancang guna mewadahi
putra-putri terbaik dari seluruh Nusantara untuk dididik menjadi kader-kader
bangsa yang matang,cerdas, dan berkepribadian nasional Indonesia serta mampu
membangun dan mengemba
Chevening Scholarships
Chevening is the UK government?s flagship scholarship scheme, aimed at future leaders, high achievers, opinion formers and decision-makers. The programme funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and administered by the British Council, sup...
Chevening is the UK government?s flagship scholarship scheme, aimed at future leaders, high achievers, opinion formers and decision-makers. The programme funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and administered by the British Council, sup...
City University London
College Scholarships, Colleges, and Online Degrees
The College Scholarships, Colleges, and Online Degrees page is designed to offer college-bound, graduate school-bound, and career school bound students of all ages information easy access to information about a wide variety of subjects. We have put ...
The College Scholarships, Colleges, and Online Degrees page is designed to offer college-bound, graduate school-bound, and career school bound students of all ages information easy access to information about a wide variety of subjects. We have put ...
Use this section to quickly find a particular scholarship or group of scholarships whose descriptions contain a specific keyword. For example, if you want to find scholarships whose descriptions contain 'soccer' use 'soccer' as your keyword.
Use this section to quickly find a particular scholarship or group of scholarships whose descriptions contain a specific keyword. For example, if you want to find scholarships whose descriptions contain 'soccer' use 'soccer' as your keyword.
Consultation Services for Foreign Residents
The Shiga Intercultural Association for Globalization, in granting this scholarship to qualified persons studying at junior colleges, universities and graduate schools within Shiga Prefecture, aims to aid students in enhancing their education and lif...
The Shiga Intercultural Association for Globalization, in granting this scholarship to qualified persons studying at junior colleges, universities and graduate schools within Shiga Prefecture, aims to aid students in enhancing their education and lif...
Cornell University Graduate School -- Fellowship database
Mencari Scholarships di database ini.
Mencari Scholarships di database ini.
CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University accepts applications in the spring and the fall from scholars and researchers who work on Southeast Asia, or on any one of the countries in the region, and are interested in spending time in ...
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University accepts applications in the spring and the fall from scholars and researchers who work on Southeast Asia, or on any one of the countries in the region, and are interested in spending time in ...
DAAD - Scholarship database
Looking for an overview of the various types of funding offered by the DAAD or of the programmes offered by other funding organisations for a study stay in Germany? Well, this is where you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for...
Looking for an overview of the various types of funding offered by the DAAD or of the programmes offered by other funding organisations for a study stay in Germany? Well, this is where you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for...
ENRO - Living Costs and Scholarships
The Scholarships for ENRO Students
The Scholarships for ENRO Students
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universiteit Maastricht welcomes talented students to study in a challenging and interactive environment. Locally based multinational corporations are willing to support top students and offer many scholarships.
Universiteit Maastricht welcomes talented students to study in a challenging and interactive environment. Locally based multinational corporations are willing to support top students and offer many scholarships.
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia » Beasiswa
& Karir
Beasiswa yang tersedia di Fasilkom UI, meliputi: Beasiswa POMDA Beasiswa Alumni Beasiswa dari UI Informasi bursa kerja, selain ditempelkan di billboard Fakultas, juga diumumkan dalam forum mahasiswa dan website Fasilkom
Beasiswa yang tersedia di Fasilkom UI, meliputi: Beasiswa POMDA Beasiswa Alumni Beasiswa dari UI Informasi bursa kerja, selain ditempelkan di billboard Fakultas, juga diumumkan dalam forum mahasiswa dan website Fasilkom
Fellowships - Institute of Social
Studies, The Hague
ISS receives a majority of students on a partial or full scholarship programme. While in the past many of our students have enjoyed the studies on a Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP), there is an increasing degree who apply for other scholarship...
ISS receives a majority of students on a partial or full scholarship programme. While in the past many of our students have enjoyed the studies on a Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP), there is an increasing degree who apply for other scholarship...
Fellowships for Minority Doctoral Students
The primary objective of the AICPA Fellowships for Minority Doctoral Students is to enable more minorities to enter and move ahead in the accounting profession and academe. Recognizing the fact that professors serve as role models, a second objective...
The primary objective of the AICPA Fellowships for Minority Doctoral Students is to enable more minorities to enter and move ahead in the accounting profession and academe. Recognizing the fact that professors serve as role models, a second objective...
Fellowships on International Institute for Geo-Information
Science and Earth Observation
Applications for admission are processed and decided upon irrespective of the financial situation of the applicant. It is assumed that applicants will be capable of meeting their travel expenses and of financing their study, residential and other cos...
FinAid | ScholarshipsApplications for admission are processed and decided upon irrespective of the financial situation of the applicant. It is assumed that applicants will be capable of meeting their travel expenses and of financing their study, residential and other cos...
Undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships are forms of aid that help
students pay for their education. Unlike student loans, scholarships and
fellowships do not have to be repaid. Hundreds of thousands of scholarships and
fellowships from s...
Financial aid offices of the University of Hawaii System
Here are just some of the scholarship opportunities available at the University of Hawai?i. Use the links and information on this page to find out more.
FreeScholarshipGuide.comHere are just some of the scholarship opportunities available at the University of Hawai?i. Use the links and information on this page to find out more.
You can use the $5,000 Scholarship for any College, University, or Education Program,
online or offline, to pay for Student Loans, or even give the Scholarship to a
Family Member or Friend. Our Scholarship is given away twice per year. The
$5,000 can...
GRIPS Scholarships
Full scholarships, partially managed by GRIPS, are available for exceptionally
qualified candidates who have been accepted for study at GRIPS. These
scholarships are provided by the Japanese Government (MEXT), the Japan International
Cooperation Agen...
Guaranteed Scholarships and Financial Aid
By guaranteed scholarships, we mean those which are unlimited in number, and require no interview, essay, portfolio, audition, competition or other secondary requirement. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines set by t...
By guaranteed scholarships, we mean those which are unlimited in number, and require no interview, essay, portfolio, audition, competition or other secondary requirement. Just meet the criteria listed, adhere to the application deadlines set by t...
HawCC Scholarships
Hawaii Community College offers a number of scholarships to incoming and currently enrolled students each year. Internal Scholarships are awarded through the Financial Aid Office. If funds are available and you meet the requirements, you may receive ...
Hawaii Community College offers a number of scholarships to incoming and currently enrolled students each year. Internal Scholarships are awarded through the Financial Aid Office. If funds are available and you meet the requirements, you may receive ...
Home Page : Melbourne Scholarships Office : The University
of Melbourne
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships at the university of Melbourne
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships at the university of Melbourne
IATEFL provides a number of scholarships for English
IATEFL provides a number of scholarships for English teachers. Ray Tongue Fund Conference scholarship for teachers from East and South East Asia
IATEFL provides a number of scholarships for English teachers. Ray Tongue Fund Conference scholarship for teachers from East and South East Asia
IIE Online:
Institute of International Education
IIE, an independent non-profit organization founded in 1919, is a world leader in the exchange of people and ideas. The Institute administers over 200 programs serving more than 20,000 individuals each year.
Beasiswa Luar NegeriIIE, an independent non-profit organization founded in 1919, is a world leader in the exchange of people and ideas. The Institute administers over 200 programs serving more than 20,000 individuals each year.
International Scholarship - Abe
Fellowship Program
To encourage international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern. The program seeks to foster the development of a new generation of Japanese and American researchers who are interested in policy-relevant topics of long-rang...
To encourage international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern. The program seeks to foster the development of a new generation of Japanese and American researchers who are interested in policy-relevant topics of long-rang...
International Scholarship - Presidential
Awarded to non-resident and Interntaional graduate students who have met graduate school requirements. $741 for Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents per academic year. $4,209 for non-resident International students per academic year.
Awarded to non-resident and Interntaional graduate students who have met graduate school requirements. $741 for Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents per academic year. $4,209 for non-resident International students per academic year.
International Scholarship Search | Free College Scholarship
Search for International Student Exchang
International Scholarship Search Free College Scholarship Search for International Student Exchange and Study Abroad. International Student & Study Abroad Scholarship Search. It is our goal to provide you - the international student - with the best study
International Scholarship Search Free College Scholarship Search for International Student Exchange and Study Abroad. International Student & Study Abroad Scholarship Search. It is our goal to provide you - the international student - with the best study
International Scholarships
Covers costs associated with earning four year's bachelor's degree at Wesleyan University for students from eleven countries in Asia. Students already enrolled in university studies are not eligible. Can only be used for study at Wesleyan Universit...
Covers costs associated with earning four year's bachelor's degree at Wesleyan University for students from eleven countries in Asia. Students already enrolled in university studies are not eligible. Can only be used for study at Wesleyan Universit...
International Scholarships - AIMR
The fund will provide annual scholarship grants to the casualties of the September 11 terrorist attacks and their spouses, domestic partners, and dependents. People from any country are eligible to apply.
International scholarships and exchanges funded by the
Australian GovernmentThe fund will provide annual scholarship grants to the casualties of the September 11 terrorist attacks and their spouses, domestic partners, and dependents. People from any country are eligible to apply.
The Endeavour Programme is an Australian Government initiative, bringing together under the one umbrella all of the Department?s international scholarships. Our objective is to establish the Endeavour Awards Programme as a prestigious scholarship pro...
International Scholarships and Postdoctoral Fellowships
We deliver international scholarship, postdoctoral fellowships for international students. Students can access scholarship information for free, and providers can submit scholarship listing for free.
Sumber : http://beasiswabeasiswa.com/